
Request for cooperation in visiting Nordic agencies for global policy experience(Correction)

투명하고 신뢰받는 청렴서울, 천만시민의 자랑입니다. 서울특별시어린이병원 수신 수신자참조 (경유) 제목 Request for cooperation in visiting Nordic agencies for global policy experience(Correction) 1. We wish you endless progress in your organization. 2. The Seoul Metropolitan Government is operating short-term overseas training in 2019 to improve the ability to solve corrective tasks and enhance the international sense of the global era by sharing experiences of best practices overseas. 3. As a result, the staff of Seoul Children’s Hospital will visit your institution to benchmark the Rihabilitation Health Service Operation System and the case of network cooperation between hospitals and community institutions by visiting the institution as shown below. A. Visit schedule Date/Time A visiting institution 7.2. 10:00 7.3. 10:00 7.4. 10:00 7.5. 10:00 7.8. 10:00 7.8. 15:00 7.9. 10:00 B. Visitos : Employees 6 persons at Children’s Hospital in Seoul C. contents of cooperation - The end. 서울특별시어린이병원장 수신자 Haukeland University Hospital,Barne-og ungdoms PsyKIatrisk poliklinika,Oslo University Hospital, Rikshospitalet,Oslo city Hall,Martina Children's Hospital,Astrid Lindgren's barnsjukhus,Stockholm city Hall 팀장 김혜정 간호1과장 04/24 김남희 협조자 시행 간호2과-3206 ( ) 접수 ( ) 우 06801 서울특별시 서초구 헌릉로 260 (내곡동) / https://childhosp.seoul.go.kr 전화 02-570-8305 /전송 02-570-8304 / / 부분공개(5)

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Request for cooperation in visiting Nordic agencies for global policy experience(Correction) - 문서정보 : 기관명, 부서명, 문서번호, 생산일자, 공개구분, 보존기간, 작성자(전화번호), 관리번호, 분류정보
기관명 서울시 부서명 어린이병원 간호부 간호2과
문서번호 간호2과-3206 생산일자 2019-04-24
공개구분 부분공개 보존기간 3년
작성자(전화번호) 김혜정 (02-570-8305) 관리번호 D0000036097970
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