
Request of Permission for Site Visit Relating Yeongdongdaero Underground Complex Development

서울역 7017 “사람길이 열리면 경제가 살아납니다.” 서울특별시도시기반시설본부 수신 Transbay Joint Powers Authority (경유) 제목 Request of Permission for Site Visit Relating Yeongdongdaero Underground Complex Development 1. To whom in charge of the Salesforce Transit Center, Seoul City requests for an official permission for a site precedent visit. 2. Seoul City is currently in process of Develop Design of a new intermodal transit center in Gangnam-gu. In process of develop design, the Salesforce Transit Center was one of the precedent case studies of transit center projects analogous to the intermodal transit center (spatially, conceptually, programmatically) in Seoul. Procuring such information of Salesforce Transit Center through on-line resources are very limited ? may us ask if an expert guiding through the Transit Center on-site, for greater understanding of the project, is accessible. We would appreciate your cooperation in providing related materials and site guidance when visiting the site. A. Project Overview 1) Project Name : Yeongdongdaero Underground Complex Development(Transit Center) 2) Objective : Six inter-regional and urban railway lines are planned to be developed as a center of public transportation, which will serve as a base for global communication and exchanges. 3) Key Facilities : Intermodal transit center (railway, bus station, parking, etc.), Green Land Plaza, etc. B. Cooperation 1) Request for local representative at visit a) Visit area : Salesforce Transit Center(Transbay Transit Center) b) Visitor : Design Representatives 2) Request of misc. data if needed ATTACHMENT 1. Site Plan, Bird’s eye view. 2. Letter Of Request(Junglim Consortium). 3. List of Visitors and List of Requested Materials. End. 서울특별시도시기반시설본부장 주무관 이상원 영동대로복합개발과장 김동철 도시철도계획부장 전결 03/13 김진팔 협조자 주무관 이상훈 시행 도시철도계획부-2128 ( ) 접수 ( ) 우 04520 서울특별시 중구 청계천로 8 프리미어플레이스빌딩 10층 / 전화 02-772-7194 /전송 02-772-7304 / wonlee2000@seoul.go.kr / 대시민공개

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Request of Permission for Site Visit Relating Yeongdongdaero Underground Complex Development - 문서정보 : 기관명, 부서명, 문서번호, 생산일자, 공개구분, 보존기간, 작성자(전화번호), 관리번호, 분류정보
기관명 서울시 부서명 도시기반시설본부 도시철도국 도시철도계획부
문서번호 도시철도계획부-2128 생산일자 2018-03-13
공개구분 공개 보존기간 준영구
작성자(전화번호) 이상원 (02-772-7194) 관리번호 D0000033138921
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