
서울지역 먹는물공동시설 수질특성 연구

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This study was performed to provide basic data necessary for the management of
spring water quality, by investigating water quality characteristics in Seoul during 2016
∼2018. The results are detailed bellow.
In 2016, 2017 and 2018, we surveyed 205, 142, and 183 spring water sources in
Seoul, respectively. The noncompliance rates with the Spring Water Quality Standards
were 31.7%, 34.5%, and 48.6% in each consecutive year. In 2018, the high
noncompliance rate was caused by a large amount of microorganisms and pollutants
being introduced into the water by unusualiy heavy rain during the spring season.
The average and maximum concentrations of As in soil and rock were 0.006 mg/L,
and 0.032 mg/L, respectively, and the average and maximum concentrations of uranium
in soil and rock were 0.0002 mg/L, and 0.102 mg/L, respectively.
The proportion of source not compliant with Spring Water Quality Standards, for
Escherichia coli, fecal coliforms, Yersinia enterocolitica, and total co

문서 정보

서울지역 먹는물공동시설 수질특성 연구 - 문서정보 : 관리번호, 등록일, 유형, 생산년도, 분야, 지역, 원본시스템, 제공부서, 작성자(책임자), 생산일, 소요예산, 라이센스
관리번호 D0000038969913 등록일 20191222
유형 논문 생산년도 2019
분야 기타 지역 서울시 전체
ISBN 9771229366000
원본시스템 보건환경연구원 제공부서 보건환경연구원
작성자(책임자) 윤종철 생산일 2019-10-04
이용조건Creative Comoons License(저작자표시-비영리-변경금지) 3.0 마크공공누리 공공저작물 자유이용허락(제4유형 : 출처표시 + 상업적 이용금지 + 변경금지)