
[민원답변][국민신문고]Seoul, South Korea, Shut down the illegal dog meat farms, slaughter...

코로나19바이러스감염병 예방 및 확산방지에 적극 동참합시다! 서 울 특 별 시 수신 내부결재 (경유) 제목 [민원답변][국민신문고]Seoul, South Korea, Shut down the illegal dog meat farms, slaughterhouses, markets Dear Petitioner ! I received your letter to urge me to end the dog and cat meat trade in Seoul through supporting stronger animal protection legislation First of all, thank you for loving animals. The problem of dog meat has long been disputed in Korea because it is uncertain if it is illegal to eat it. In fact, dogs are classified as livestock by Livestock Industry Act though they are not included in livestock by Livestock Products Sanitary Control Act. So the law is not easy to enforce. But Animal Protection Act prohibited the actions by which dogs are brutally killed, slaughtered in front of other animals and killed without justifiable reason. And violators who do not abide by this law may face imprisonment for up to three years or fines of 30 million won. And penalty is being strengthened by law revision, Seoul Government consistently has cracked down on animal abuse and inhumane slaughter with animal protection watchdogs(citizens). Consequently slaughterhouses were disappeared in Seoul and Mayor declared Dog-slaughter Free City on October 26, 2019. Looking to the future, we will try to promote animal welfare and request law revision to government. Thank you again for deep love and concern about animals and wish you all the best in your family. Best regards, 사무관 박선덕 동물관리팀장 이운오 동물보호과장 07/19 이미경 협조자 시행 동물보호과-26190 ( 2022.07.19 ) 접수 ( ) 우 04524 서을특별시 중구 세종대로 110, 8층 / http://www.seoul.go.kr 전화 02-2133-7698 /전송 (02)768-8868 / parksunduk@seoul.go.kr / 부분공개(6)

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[민원답변][국민신문고]Seoul, South Korea, Shut down the illegal dog meat farms, slaughter... - 문서정보 : 기관명, 부서명, 문서번호, 생산일자, 공개구분, 보존기간, 작성자(전화번호), 관리번호, 분류정보
기관명 서울시 부서명 시민건강국 동물보호과
문서번호 동물보호과-26190 생산일자 2022-07-19
공개구분 부분공개 보존기간 10년
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