
Requesting for a visit (2019 CAP Implementation Workshop)

“소비자는 소득공제 40%, 판매자는 수수료 0%” 정답은 제로페이! 서울특별시 수신 Mexico City at the Justice Superior Court of Mexico City (경유) Eliot.j.Christian@gmail.com 제목 Requesting for a visit (2019 CAP Implementation Workshop) 1. Greetings from Seoul Metropolitan Government, Korea and we hope your prosperity. 2. We are in charge of the landslide prevention and alarming. We are endeavoring for the safety of people from those disaster by constructing effective alarm system and coping with such possible occasion swiftly. 3. We hope to join CAP being held in Mexico City from Oct16 ~ OCT18. We want to learn the advanved system and update our skill. 4. It will be highly appreciated if you let us know if you can allow us to join the CAP as soon as possible. 5. We wish for your successful opening of the 2019 CAP Implementation Workshop. ※ There are four people who want to participate 1) Kwon Kook Hyoung(isabelle@seoul.go.kr) 2) Kim Eun Sook(happy0422@seoul.go.kr) 3) Kim Young Su(m2kor045@seoul.go.kr) 4) Choi Suh Toung(csy0209@seoul.go.kr) Seoul Metropolitan Government Republic of Korea (Landslide Prevention Division) 15, Deoksug-gil, Jung-gu, Seoul, Korea, 100-739/Tel.+82-2-2133-2181/Fax+82-2-2133-1084 http://www.seoul.go.kr e-mail : atnass@seoul.go.kr / m2kor045@seoul.go.kr 서 울 특 별 시 장 주무관 김영수 사면정비팀장 정상모 산지방재과장 08/22 장상규 협조자 시행 산지방재과-9070 ( ) 접수 ( ) 우 04515 서울특별시 중구 무교로21 더익스체인지서울빌딩 8층 / 전화 02-2133-2181 /전송 02-2133-1084 / m2kor045@seoul.go.kr / 대시민공개

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Requesting for a visit (2019 CAP Implementation Workshop) - 문서정보 : 기관명, 부서명, 문서번호, 생산일자, 공개구분, 보존기간, 작성자(전화번호), 관리번호, 분류정보
기관명 서울시 부서명 푸른도시국 산지방재과
문서번호 산지방재과-9070 생산일자 2019-08-22
공개구분 공개 보존기간 3년
작성자(전화번호) 김영수 (02-2133-2181) 관리번호 D0000037982201
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