
Cooperation Referral Visiting for the international Fire Training

소방학교 수신 The National Headquarters of the State Fire Service (KG PSP) (경유) 제목 Cooperation Referral Visiting for the international Fire Training 1. Please accept our best wishes for the ongoing success of your organization. 2. The Seoul Fire Service is planning to improve live-fire training capability of the Seoul Fire Service Academy training facilities. 3. In order to advance our continuing efforts to develop the curriculums of fire training facilities, we cordialy ask your organization to confirm our visit to your fire training centre as follows : a. Date : June 17-19, 2019 (Arrival : June 16 / Departure : June 20 ) b. Purpose of the visit : earning about PSP’s compartment fire behavior training program ? planning, administrating, executing, reviewing, instructor and student management, and problems and solutions; Experiencing the actual training (the full cycle of a hands-on training) c. Number of the delegates: Five firefighters - Contact : Hyung-Eun Lee (+82 10-4119-7212, firefighters@seoul.go.kr) d.Main Contents ○ Observing fire training centre and training courses ○ A Visit to Fire Academy. ○ Learn specifications, and operation manuals of training facilities. ○ Discuss promotion of mutual exchange of exemplary instructors among firefighting educational institutions. ○ Share materials of seismic design of training facilities, curriculums, education and training systems Attachment : Official letter from Seoul Fire Academy. 서울특별시소방학교장 담당자 한정민 교육기획팀장 정진훈 인재개발과장 04/24 민춘기 협조자 시행 인재개발과-1317 ( ) 접수 ( ) 우 03312 서울특별시 은평구 통일로 1031-21 서울소방학교 교육기획팀 / 전화 02-2106-3715 /전송 02-2106-3719 / sdvteam@seoul.go.kr / 대시민공개

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Cooperation Referral Visiting for the international Fire Training - 문서정보 : 기관명, 부서명, 문서번호, 생산일자, 공개구분, 보존기간, 작성자(전화번호), 관리번호, 분류정보
기관명 서울시 부서명 소방학교 인재개발과
문서번호 인재개발과-1317 생산일자 2019-04-24
공개구분 공개 보존기간 3년
작성자(전화번호) 한정민 (02-2106-3715) 관리번호 D0000036103992
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