“소비자는 소득공제 40%, 판매자는 수수료 0%” 정답은 제로페이! 서울특별시 수신 Organization Manager (경유) 제목 Request Organization Cooperation To whom it may concern, 1. Hello, This is Kim Nakhyeon, one member of Seoul Metropolitan City Government. In recent years, Seoul City has been putting a lot of effort to maintain roads and sidewalks more safe and convenient such as researching and developing material’s properties, revising safe-related policies and specifications and so on. 2. As part of these effort, We still need to explore and learn advanced policies(technologies) over road(covering sidewalk) management. With some research we are sure that we can find some good examples from your organization and hope to visit your company with a purpose to study main protocols to keep safety and see around how they are applied to the field. 3. Please let me know whom I should contact. I will keep in touch with her/him through e-mail or phone to confirm the detail schedule. I look forward to your reply as soon as possible. With thanks, - Schema - A : Program : Visit for Global policy experience B : Subject : Observing and Benchmarking the advanced road management system C : Period : April ~ March, 2019 D : Participant : Manager of Road Management Division and other 14 members Attachment : Delegation list. END. 서 울 특 별 시 장 주무관 김낙현 도로관리과장 03/20 박문희 협조자 시행 도로관리과-4744 ( ) 접수 ( ) 우 04520 서울특별시 중구 청계천로 8 프리미어플레이스 6층 / 전화 02-2133-8186 /전송 02-768-2285 / nakk@seoul.go.kr / 부분공개(6)
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