
민원 회신(An Eye Opening Experience)

위기상황에 나와 가족의 안전, '서울안전앱' 으로 지켜주세요! 서울특별시 수신 Annie Cho (경유) 제목 민원 회신(An Eye Opening Experience) Greetings, Thank you for your interest in and valuable opinion for our city policies. We have received your inquiry about ‘inconveniences getting around for disabled persons in wheelchairs.’ In your civil complaints, you covered four items, going over issues of 1) road smoothness, 2) steps from car roads to pedestrian roads, 3) ramps at entrances of buildings, and 4) subway elevators at street crossings. Numbers one and two can be answered by the Sidewalk Improvement Division, number three by the Independent Living Support Division, and number four by the Transportation Policy Division. First, we will give you the response regarding road smoothness and the steps from car roads to pedestrian roads from the Sidewalk Improvement Division. Our city strives for the improvement of flat sidewalks for the creation of a safe walking environment for weak/disabled persons, and is also continually maintaining the lowering of high gaps in order to get rid of the step from pedestrian/car roads. However, due to the limited budget, we ask for your generous understanding insofar as we have to consider urgent maintenance (deterioration, damage, complaints, etc.) in terms of yearly expense. If there is an area that requires urgent fixing in terms of sidewalks or leveling facilities, you can contact the Engineering Division (or Road Division) at your local district office to get it handled promptly. Next is the response from the Independent Living Support Division regarding the ramps at entrances of buildings. You have mentioned the ramp incline at a Paris Baguette. According to the “Act on Guarantee of Promotion of Convenience of Persons with Disabilites, the Aged, Pregnant Women, etc.” (henceforth “Disabilites Act”),it is mandatory for bakeries 300m2 or larger to eliminate the height gap at the entrance with a ramp, and the slope installation standard is set to 1/12 that of the entrance height. (For example, if the entrance step is 10cm high, the installed ramp must be at least 120cm long.) Since we have no information on the exact location of the bakery, we ask for your understanding in that we cannot give you a concrete answer, but we think that this may be a case in which the store is smaller than 300m2. If this is a case where an investigation shows that the store is subject to the mandatory installment of these facilities and is in violation of such regulations, we will be sure to correct it. Lastly, we give you the answer from the Transportation Policy Division on the subway elevators at street crossings. As a facility for the convenient use of the subway by weak/disabled persons, we aim to install subway elevators from the outside ground level to within the station, and onto the boarding platform. Station elevators are not facilities for the use of crossing the road, and so we hope you understand that there are limitations to using those to cross the road. Our city is continuing to push for the improvement of station elevators to continue improving transportational convenience of weak/disabled persons, but we also ask for your understanding as it is difficult to install elevators in some areas due to the station infrastructure and land conditions and obstructions. If you have any other inquires other than the ones supplied, please contact the corresponding Seoul City Hall department for a response. We would like to thank you, , once again for your interest in and suggestions for our city. We wish you a speedy recovery and best of luck for you and your family. Thank you. 서 울 특 별 시 장 주무관 백종호 보도정책팀장 장상규 보도환경개선과장 09/13 권완택 협조자 시행 보도환경개선과-10429 ( ) 접수 ( ) 우 04520 서울특별시 중구 청계천로 8 6층 (무교동) / 전화 02-2133-8143 /전송 02-768-8905 / bjh88@seoul.go.kr / 부분공개(6)

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민원 회신(An Eye Opening Experience) - 문서정보 : 기관명, 부서명, 문서번호, 생산일자, 공개구분, 보존기간, 작성자(전화번호), 관리번호, 분류정보
기관명 서울시 부서명 안전총괄본부 안전총괄관 보도환경개선과
문서번호 보도환경개선과-10429 생산일자 2018-09-13
공개구분 부분공개 보존기간 10년
작성자(전화번호) 백종호 (02-2133-8143) 관리번호 D0000034453439
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