
Response to permission for using photo

투명하고 신뢰받는 청렴서울, 천만시민의 자랑입니다. 서울역사박물관 수신 Ji-in Chang (경유) 제목 Response to permission for using photo 1. I kindly extend my hopes for your tremendous success in everything that you do. 2.『Planning Innovations for Urban Sustainability:A Global Outlook』With regard to the request for cooperation about publishing an academic book (2018-1201), we permit your request to this museum for using the following picture from our artifact collection. Please refer to this for your intended purposes. A. Applicant : Ji-In Jang B. Artifact for replication and number of request replications : Total 2 case, 2 artifact - Past and Present of Cheonggyecheon C.Purpose of Replication : Use for <Dismantling a highway:Cheonggyecheon Restoration Project in Seoul, Korea> D. Replication Methods : Digital Image E. Condition of Replication 1) Not intended for any other usage than for the purpose of replication 2) Refer to the name of the place where the collection of artifacts are stored(Seoul Museum of History) while replicated use of the photo remains in effect. End. 서울역사박물관장 주무관 최인호 유물관리과장 06/22 한은희 협조자 주무관 장은혜 시행 유물관리과-1282 ( ) 접수 ( ) 우 03177 서울시 종로구 새문안로 55 서울역사박물관 유물관리과 / http://www.museum.seoul.kr/ 전화 /전송 724-0246 / / 대시민공개

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Response to permission for using photo - 문서정보 : 기관명, 부서명, 문서번호, 생산일자, 공개구분, 보존기간, 작성자(전화번호), 관리번호, 분류정보
기관명 서울시 부서명 서울역사박물관 학예연구부 유물관리과
문서번호 유물관리과-1282 생산일자 2018-06-22
공개구분 공개 보존기간 영구
작성자(전화번호) 최인호 관리번호 D0000033863539
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