
Inquiry for visiting - for the purpose of benchmarking the best practices

“시민과 함께하는 청렴특별시, 서울!” 감사위원회 수신 Penrith City - Audit Council etc (경유) 제목 Inquiry for visiting - for the purpose of benchmarking the best practices 1. We wish your institution would continue the eternal development. 2. Seoul Metropolitan Government Safety Audit & Inspection Division plans to take advantage of benchmarking the best practices scheme 2017. 3. Accordingly, Commission staff members would like to visit your institution as below. It will be highly appreciated if you could kindly cooperate to achieve the predetermined purposes of its visit. ?Visit Schedule and Visit Institutions Schedule Time Visit Institutions 2017/12/18 AM 14:00~16:00(2H) Penrith City - Audit Council 2017/12/19 AM 10:00~12:00(2H) Audit Office of NSW 2017/12/20 PM 16:00~18:00(2H) Victoria University of Wellington 2017/12/21 AM 10:00~12:00(2H) PM 14:00~16:00(2H) Wellington Council Productivity Commission of NZ ?Prospective Visitors No. Name Gender Organization 1 PARK DONG SEOK M Seoul Metropolitan Government Safety Audit & Inspection Division 2 SONG HONG GYU M Seoul Metropolitan Government Audit & Inspection Division 3 JANG SI HO M Seoul Metropolitan Government Safety Audit & Inspection Division ?Questions(Your kind response to our questions will be very helpful in understanding your institution, systems and so on. Thank you in advance.) 1. Penrith City - Audit Council 1) Australia is consistently receiving excellent results from the International Transparency International's Corruption Index (CPI) What is a main policy to improve its integrity? 2) What are the examples of preventing corruption through the cooperation of its Parliament and self-audit organization? 3) What is an internal control system of Penrith City Hall? 4) Seoul Metropolitan Government started to operate the precautionary daily audit system. Please inform us of the operational situation of Penrith City, if any. 5) What is major policy to reduce corruption of civil servants' society? 6) Seoul Metropolitan Government is operating a public audit team composed of private experts to expertise participation of civil auditors and citizen. What kind of system do you have to improve the capability of auditing and expertise the participation of citizens? 2. Audit Office of NSW 1) Introduction and promotion of Seoul city government social innovation measures and comprehensive measures to prevent offenses by public officials 2) Matters concerning the organization and personnel of the New South Wales State Audit Office, major activities, etc. 3) What are the audit procedures of the State Audit Office, how does it operate, and major audit performance of the State Audit Office? 4) What are the new auditing techniques or anti-corruption policies that only the New South Wales State Audit Office takes? 5) Seoul Metropolitan City Audit Committee seeks to improve the safety of citizens by establishing a separate safety officer. What is the state's actual situation on such safe audit area? 6) What are the cases of cooperation with the provincial government and its own audit organization? 7) Seoul Metropolitan Government is planning the continuous anti-corruption activities. Is it possible for it to establish a plan to regularly exchange with Seoul? 3. Victoria University of Wellington 1) Introduction and promotion of Seoul city government social innovation measures and comprehensive measures to prevent offenses by public officials 2) According to the results of the evaluation of Corruption Perceptions Index (Transparency International) in 2016 by the Transparency International, New Zealand ranked the first. In that result, What do you think of the main reason. 3) What are the main educational programs to conduct at the University of Wellington in order to establish anti-corruption and public ethics? 4) What are the major educational achievements, and what are the educational plans to focus on in the future? 5) What are the new auditing techniques or anti-corruption policies proposed by the State or City that have been studied and developed at the University of Wellington? 6) We believe that the anti-corruption policies would be effective only if public institutions as well as ordinary citizens actively participate. In this regard, please recommend the method to promote it to citizens and let citizens participate in it? 4. Wellington Council 1) Information of organization, personnel, major activities, etc. of Wellington Council Board of Audit 2) What are the representative policies for anti-corruption and integrity in Wellington City? 3) The inspection procedures, disciplinary level and treatment cases performed by Auditors against unlawful behaviors 4) What are the new auditing techniques or anti-corruption policies of Wellington City only? 5) What are the pre- and post-policies to support the active business conduction of public officials? 6) Seoul Metropolitan Government has organized and operated the Safety Audit Ombudsman to facilitate the participation of private experts in the inspection and auditing of the safety of construction and public facilities. Like this, are there any organizations in Wellington City to perform similar functions? 7) Seoul Metropolitan Government is planning the continuous anti-corruption activities. On such activities, is it possible for it to establish a plan to regularly exchange with Seoul? 5. Productivity Commission of NZ 1) Introduction and promotion of Seoul city government social innovation measures and comprehensive measures to prevent public offenses 2) Information of the organization, personnel and major activities of the New Zealand Productivity Commission 3) What is the motivation for establishing the New Zealand productivity committee, the international external agencies involved in its establishment and its establishment? 4) What are the internal control policies and practices of the New Zealand Productivity Commission? 5) Seoul Metropolitan Government has systems of performance measurement and performance audits to verify major policies and support successful implementation. Similar to this, are there performance measurement activities only for productivity committee? 6) We believe that the anti-corruption policies would be effective only if public institutions as well as ordinary citizens actively participate. In this regard, please recommend the method to promote it to citizens and let citizens participate in it? 7) Seoul Metropolitan Government is planning to conduct a continuous audit of the city's major policies and performances through performances audits. On such activities, is it possible for us to establish a plan to regularly exchange with the productivity committee? 서울특별시감사위원회 주무관 장시호 안전감사1팀장 유정태 안전감사담당관 11/22 박동석 협조자 시행 안전감사담당관-16420 ( ) 접수 ( ) 우 04515 서울특별시 중구 덕수궁길 15 서소문청사 5동7층(서소문동) / 전화 02-2133-3057 /전송 02-2133-1304 / show2385@seoul.go.kr / 부분공개(5,6)

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Inquiry for visiting - for the purpose of benchmarking the best practices - 문서정보 : 기관명, 부서명, 문서번호, 생산일자, 공개구분, 보존기간, 작성자(전화번호), 관리번호, 분류정보
기관명 서울시 부서명 감사위원회 안전감사담당관
문서번호 안전감사담당관-16420 생산일자 2017-11-22
공개구분 부분공개 보존기간 3년
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