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This research aimed to study how to use biofilters to reduce sewage odor efficiently. To check the performance of the biofilter, three experiments were conducted, including the control experiment. Biofilters with sulfur-removing bacteria were used in the activated sludge process at the Tancheon Sewage Treatment Center. The biofilter was tested with a gas mixture comprising hydrogen sulfide and methyl mercaptan. The experiment results are as follows: the rate of hydrogen sulfide removal was 15% in bacteria-free media(case 1) and 69% in distilled water-bearing media(case 2). When the biofilter(case 3) was used, most of the hydrogen sulfide was removed and not detected. The rate of methyl mercaptan removal was 10% in case 1, 64% in case 2, and 97% in case 3. Methyl mercaptan oxidized in wet conditions and was converted to dimethyl disulfide. After the experiment was completed, bacterial strains of Pseudomonas sp. and Bacillus sp. were identified with SEM and MALDI-TOF MS. These bacteria a문서 정보
등록일 : 2017-10-28 부서 : 보건환경연구원
등록일 : 2015-04-06 부서 : 보건환경연구원
등록일 : 2018-09-07 부서 : 보건환경연구원
등록일 : 2013-07-11 부서 : 보건환경연구원
라이브리 소셜 공유1