LC-MS_MS법에 의한 커피에서 아크릴아마이드 모니터링
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This study aimed at monitoring the acrylamide level of coffee due to the increasing coffee consumption as a favorite food. The acrylamide analysis was performed based on the internal standard method using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) in coffee. For the test method validation, linearity, limit of detection(LOD), limit of quantification(LOQ), and accuracy have been tested. A 13C3-acrylamide was used as an internal standard in order to overcome the matrix effect. A total of 92 coffee and potato snack samples were collected from retail or coffee shops. The samples were cleaned up using an HLB solid-phase extraction(SPE) cartridge and Accucat SPE, then the LC-MS/MS measurement parameters were optimized for our objectives. The correlation coefficient(r2) of the calibration curve was 0.9999, and the limit of detection(LOD) and quantification(LOQ) were 0.97 and 2.93 μg/kg, respectively. The accuracy was tested using analysis reference material(RM: ground coffee), a문서 정보
등록일 : 2019-10-04 부서 : 보건환경연구원
등록일 : 2019-10-04 부서 : 보건환경연구원
등록일 : 2017-10-28 부서 : 보건환경연구원
등록일 : 2018-09-07 부서 : 보건환경연구원
라이브리 소셜 공유1