SPME-GC/MS를 이용한 폐수 중 페놀류 분석법 최적화 연구
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문서 설명 (초록)
Head Space-Solid Phase Micro Extraction-Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry(HS-SPME-GC/MS) was optimized for the determination of 3 phenol compounds(phenol,
2,4-dimethylphenol and pentachlorophenol) in wastewater samples. Analytes were
acetylated in situ, and HS-SPME was performed. Among the five SPME fibers
compared, the PDMS/DVB fiber was found to be the most sensitive when used
HS-SPME/GC/MS was used. The following optimum SPME parameters were selected :
choice of SPME fiber(PDMS/DVB), salt effect(NaCl 3 g), headspace incubation
temperature(40℃), headspace adsorption time(60 min). The calibration curve of the
phenol compounds in the range of 0.01~2.0 μg/L showed good linearity with the
correlation coefficient of r2=0.99 and the recoveries by this method were 74.4~127.8%.
문서 정보
등록일 : 2013-03-06 부서 : 보건환경연구원
등록일 : 2015-09-25 부서 : 보건환경연구원
등록일 : 2017-10-28 부서 : 보건환경연구원
등록일 : 2013-02-20 부서 : 보건환경연구원
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