
자원 재순환을 위한 하수슬러지 소각재의 인/알루미늄 분리 시스템(PASS) 개발[Development of the Phosphorus/Aluminium Separation System(PASS) in Incinerated Sewage Sludge Ash for Resource Recirculation]

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문서 설명 (초록)


Incinerated sewage sludge ash(ISSA) generated in sewage treatment plants contains
useful resources like phosphorus, which constitutes about 10% by volume. This study
was performed to develop the Phosphorus Aluminum Separation System(PASS) for the
recovery of phosphorus from ISSA using struvite precipitation. In the sludge ash
generated at Seonam sewage treatment plant, fly ash had a higher P2O5 and Al2O3
content than the bottom ash, at 13.65±2.35% and 16.90±1.19%, respectively. Jar tests
showed that up to 0.093g of PO4
3--P per gram of ash could be extracted with 1 N
H2SO4 at a L/S ratio of 10 mL/g and stirring velocity of 200 rpm for 2 h. Therefore,
we developed a PASS consisting of limestone column, Mg reactor and settling tank.
The recovery efficiency of phosphorus using PASS was 97.98%, while the recovered
precipitate was confirmed as containing mainly MgNH4PO4?H2O. The PASS is
expected to be able to offer a suitable solution for phosphorus recovery from sewage
sludge ash through further studies.
Incinerated sewage sludge ash(ISSA) generated in sewage treatment plants contains
useful resources like phosphorus, which constitutes about 10% by volume. This study
was performed to develop the Phosphorus Aluminum Separation System(PASS) for the
recovery of phosphorus from ISSA using struvite precipitation. In the sludge ash
generated at Seonam sewage treatment plant, fly ash had a higher P2O5 and Al2O3
content than the bottom ash, at 13.65±2.35% and 16.90±1.19%, respectively. Jar tests
showed that up to 0.093g of PO4
3--P per gram of ash could be extracted with 1 N
H2SO4 at a L/S ratio of 10 mL/g and stirring velocity of 200 rpm for 2 h. Therefore,
we developed a PASS consisting of limestone column, Mg reactor and settling tank.
The recovery efficiency of phosphorus using PASS was 97.98%, while the recovered
precipitate was confirmed as containing mainly MgNH4PO4?H2O. The PASS is
expected to be able to offer a suitable solution for phosphorus recovery from sewage
sludge ash through further studies.

문서 정보

자원 재순환을 위한 하수슬러지 소각재의 인/알루미늄 분리 시스템(PASS) 개발[Development of the Phosphorus/Aluminium Separation System(PASS) in Incinerated Sewage Sludge Ash for Resource Recirculation] - 문서정보 : 관리번호, 등록일, 유형, 생산년도, 분야, 지역, 원본시스템, 제공부서, 작성자(책임자), 생산일, 소요예산, 라이센스
관리번호 D0000027865345 등록일 20161030
유형 정책연구자료 생산년도 2015
분야 기타 지역 서울시 전체
원본시스템 보건환경연구원 제공부서 보건환경연구원
작성자(책임자) 최예덕 생산일 2016-10-28
이용조건Creative Comoons License(저작자표시-비영리-변경금지) 3.0 마크공공누리 공공저작물 자유이용허락(제4유형 : 출처표시 + 상업적 이용금지 + 변경금지)