
시중 판매 김치의 품질 특성(Quality Characteristics of Commercial Kimchi)

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문서 설명 (초록)


This study evaluated the properties of Kimchi, a traditional Korean fermented
vegetable product generally consumed as a raw side-dish. 137 samples of Kimchi sold
in large discount stores and traditional markets were analyzed for pH, acidity, the
number of lactic acid bacteria; and for sodium, potassium and vitamin C concentrations.
The Kimchi samples had an average pH of 4.2 within a range of 3.6 to 5.7; and an
average acidity of 0.8 within a range of 0.3 to 1.7. These differences are related to the
degree of fermentation. Average sodium concentration was 491.4 mg/100g within a range
of 240.3 mg/100g to 1,108.5 mg/100g, while average potassium concentration was 241.8
mg/100g within a range of 46.9 mg/100g to 468.6 mg/100g. Kimchi contributes to high
dietary sodium intake but also contains high levels of potassium, which inhibit sodium
absorption. The Na/K ratio was dependent on the type of Kimchi, ranging from 1.0 to
5.7 with an average of 2.2. The average Na/K ratio of Chonggak Kimchi was 1.5,
which is relatively low compared to processed foods that have similar salinity. Vitamin
C concentrations in Kimchi also vary depending on degree of fermentation and the
types of vegetable used. The maximum concentration detected was 24.5 mg/100g but
Vitamin C was not detected in some of the Kimchi tested. The average number of
lactic acid bacteria contained in Kimchi was high, at 6.9 × 1012 CFU/g. Kimchi sold in
market does not currently require nutrition labeling, but labeling is recommended to
ensure compliance with the Food Sanitation Act.
This study evaluated the properties of Kimchi, a traditional Korean fermented
vegetable product generally consumed as a raw side-dish. 137 samples of Kimchi sold
in large discount stores and traditional markets were analyzed for pH, acidity, the
number of lactic acid bacteria; and for sodium, potassium and vitamin C concentrations.
The Kimchi samples had an average pH of 4.2 within a range of 3.6 to 5.7; and an
average acidity of 0.8 within a range of 0.3 to 1.7. These differences are related to the
degree of fermentation. Average sodium concentration was 491.4 mg/100g within a range
of 240.3 mg/100g to 1,108.5 mg/100g, while average potassium concentration was 241.8
mg/100g within a range of 46.9 mg/100g to 468.6 mg/100g. Kimchi contributes to high
dietary sodium intake but also contains high levels of potassium, which inhibit sodium
absorption. The Na/K ratio was dependent on the type of Kimchi, ranging from 1.0 to
5.7 with an average of 2.2. The average Na/K ratio of Chonggak Kimchi was 1.5,
which is relatively low compared to processed foods that have similar salinity. Vitamin
C concentrations in Kimchi also vary depending on degree of fermentation and the
types of vegetable used. The maximum concentration detected was 24.5 mg/100g but
Vitamin C was not detected in some of the Kimchi tested. The average number of
lactic acid bacteria contained in Kimchi was high, at 6.9 × 1012 CFU/g. Kimchi sold in
market does not currently require nutrition labeling, but labeling is recommended to
ensure compliance with the Food Sanitation Act.

문서 정보

시중 판매 김치의 품질 특성(Quality Characteristics of Commercial Kimchi) - 문서정보 : 관리번호, 등록일, 유형, 생산년도, 분야, 지역, 원본시스템, 제공부서, 작성자(책임자), 생산일, 소요예산, 라이센스
관리번호 D0000027865324 등록일 20161030
유형 정책연구자료 생산년도 2015
분야 기타 지역 서울시 전체
원본시스템 보건환경연구원 제공부서 보건환경연구원
작성자(책임자) 신재민 생산일 2016-10-28
이용조건Creative Comoons License(저작자표시-비영리-변경금지) 3.0 마크공공누리 공공저작물 자유이용허락(제4유형 : 출처표시 + 상업적 이용금지 + 변경금지)